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Why now is a great time to buy a new car for your business

Writer: Matthew CarberryMatthew Carberry

Looking for a good deal on a new car for your business? There couldn’t be a better time than June to drive home a bargain. With car dealers keen to polish off the financial year with some extra sales, this means there are some great offers available to business owners.

Tax savings

This year’s June car sales hold special appeal for self-employed workers or business owners. The ATO is still offering an accelerated write-down on asset purchases up to $20,000. This is a great way for businesses to save on their tax. The write-down is set to end on 30 June 2017, so June really is the best month for business owners to purchase a new car.

Extra savings by sorting your vehicle finance first

The month of June is also a great time to try out your negotiation skills, as car dealers are more likely to treat you to mark-downs or valuable add-ons. But be sure to secure your vehicle finance prior to visiting a showroom, as this can be a clever strategy to achieve the best deal. With your vehicle finance pre-approved, you can drive a hard bargain that’s much more attractive than the advertised price. You also won’t be tempted to creep over your budget, as you’ll have a set spending limit. That’s why it pays to speak with Verve Group’s mortgage broker, Martin Pudney, before you test-drive your new favourite business asset.

If you’ve been thinking about applying for finance for some new wheels, you’re in luck, because Martin is here to help you get the best deal. Be sure to get in quick, because the end of the financial year is right around the corner!

Contact Verve Group Finance for a chat or to book a no-obligation appointment on (08) 8120 4877 or email

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