The start of a new financial year might not set your cork popping like New Year’s does. But the financial resolutions you make with a clear head in July are far more likely to create a champagne future. So let’s Get Moving with some smart money habits.
Tip 1: Invest your tax refund for your (future) self
If there's just one new financial habit you adopt this year, make it this one. Consider redirecting your tax refund into a managed investment before you have a chance to touch it and work towards transforming your financial destiny from a pumpkin into a crystal carriage. No wand required, just a few minutes to set up an online investment account.
Tip 2: On pay day, pay yourself first – you’re worth it
Ask your employer about setting up a salary sacrifice arrangement for your super. You could find, depending on your salary, you may save on tax. Super is a long-term relationship – the more attention you give it, the greater the potential. Then sit back and let compound interest work its magic.
Tip 3: Will you reach your dreams?
Your retirement dream may be lavish; it may be simply to not worry about money, or you may not have even thought about, but it doesn’t hurt to see how you’re tracking. Our Retirement lifestyle calculator will help you determine how much monthly income you’ll need in retirement, show you the progress you’ve made with your current super savings strategy, and suggest what it may take to reach your goal.
Tip 4: Tool up and save
We all know how important it is to track your spending and prepare a budget. But who’s got the time? With so many time-saving financial apps on the market, it’s worth taking a moment to track down the best tools for the job. They won’t just save you time – if you stick to the plan, they’ll save you money as well.
Tip 5: Be your own boss
Do you dream about turning your passion into a business and kissing your day job goodbye? If your goal is to create income then it pays to be businesslike from the get-go. Set some goals, create a dedicated work space and write a business plan.
Tip 6: Time is money. Your money
The new financial year could also be your motivation for (finally) seeing a financial planner. They can ask the right questions to get a holistic view of your finances, help you with all the tips above – as well as offering you tailored advice to help you set your financial goals and develop strategies to help you reach them.