Interesting headline coming from a firm that offers financial services and whose key marketing messages promote wealth accumulation. But does this message resonate with you?
Dayna, showing her support for the Cancer Council by helping to host a stall on Jetty Road, Glenelg.

The headline quote for this article derives from Gloria Steinem, writer, published author and editor and it makes us stop and think about what’s important to our firm.
Our key marketing messages encourage wealth accumulation, there’s no doubt about it- but perhaps beyond this, there’s a bigger picture that’s encompassed within the culture of the firm.
In September, a company wide email was sent out to asking staff nominate a charity for Verve Group to support. The response was positive and largely varied. It was difficult to pick one charity, when it was clear there were several causes that have touched or affected individual staff members in one way or another.
So as it stands, in November Verve Group has raised money for Beyondblue, the Cancer Council and Movember. Why so many all at once? Well, why not? How would you prioritise these causes? When you realise that at the core of your business, your staff care, you should embrace it! This month has truly transformed into the month of giving for Verve Group.
It has drawn colleagues closer together and opened up lines of communication between staff members - because giving opens the way for receiving.
It has been a prized lesson for all of us at the firm that;
1) We promote the act of giving As part of our core values, we will give back to others.
2) We ask our staff what they would like to support In many cases it’s left to one team to decide on what causes to support due to time constraints or job roles. Your people are the foundation of your business, so the business should support causes close to their staff.
3) We make time for what is important to life, not just business We are all busy, but we will make the time to raise money, awareness or support a cause.
4) We act on causes that have affected our clients We take into consideration, causes close to our clients hearts also and invite them to participate.
At the end of the day, we are all human. We advise, strategise, implement, control and execute ways to increase the financial position of our clients and our firm but we also have the honour to give back.
"No person was ever honoured for what he received. Honour has been the reward for what he gave." - Calvin Coolidge